A copy of the Signature Authority memorandum must be attached to the PEC. The commander can delegate his signature authority.

Upon arrival for training Soldiers must present a complete and accurate PRE-EXECUTION CHECKLIST (PEC), SIGNED BY THEIR UNIT COMMANDER. Soldiers must be in E5 and above transitioning into the 74D Career Management Field that are Advanced Leader Course (ALC) or Basic Noncommissioned Officer (BNCOC) graduates. Phase 2 Prerequisites: All Soldiers transitioning (for MOS reclassification purposes) into the 74D Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) from a previously held MOS and who are in the Active Army (AA), United States Army Reserve (USAR), or Army National Guard (ARNG) are eligible to attend this course as long as they meet the following requirements: Meet Army Regulation (AR) 350-1 Chapter 3 physical fitness, height and weight, and profile requirements have a physical demands rating of very heavy, a physical profile of 122221 or better, normal color vision, and have a minimum score of 95 in aptitude area ST in ASVAB tests administered prior to 2 January 2002, or a minimum score of 91 in aptitude area ST on ASVAB tests administered on 2 January 2002 and prior to 1 October 2013, or a minimum score of 100 in aptitude area Skilled Technical (ST) on ASVAB tests administered on and after 1 October 2013. Prior to attending Phase 1 of the course, Soldiers must complete the Army Distributed Learning (ADL) training for MOS-T complete HAZMAT Awareness Training on-line at : and, USACBRNS Risk Management prior to attending the CBRN Transition Course 031-74D2/3/4 (T) and present the certificate to the Small Group Leader during in-processing. Phase 1 Prerequisites: All Soldiers transitioning (for MOS reclassification purposes) into the 74D Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) from a previously held MOS and who are in the Active Army (AA), United States Army Reserve (USAR), or Army National Guard (ARNG) are eligible to attend this course as long as they meet the following requirements: Meet Army Regulation (AR) 350-1 Chapter 3 physical fitness, height and weight, and profile requirements have a physical demands rating of very heavy, a physical profile of 122221 or better, normal color vision, and have a minimum score of 95 in aptitude area ST in ASVAB tests administered prior to 2 January 2002, or a minimum score of 91 in aptitude area ST on ASVAB tests administered on 2 January 2002 and prior to 1 October 2013, or a minimum score of 100 in aptitude area Skilled Technical (ST) on ASVAB tests administered on and after 1 October 2013. Training also covers Dismounted Reconnaissance. Scope: Provides training on detection, monitoring, identification, sampling, and decontamination equipment operation and, tactics, techniques, and procedures for performing traditional CBRN defense operations at the company level and HAZMAT response operations at the HAZMAT Awareness, HAZMAT Operations and Mass Casualty Decontamination Operations levels.

Purpose: Provides Military Occupational Specialty (MOS-T) category Soldiers the training required to become Military Occupational Specialty Qualified (MOSQ) as a 74D CBRN Specialist.

#74d mos 2015 code#
3D BRIGADE (CM), 102nd TRAINING DIVISION CBRN TRANSITION 2/3/4 COURSE L031 (School Code for Reserve Soldiers)